Due to the fact that it has an algorithm that can learn, many theories have recently been put forward about what artificial intelligence does and can do. The application areas of artificial intelligence are expanding day by day with smart homes, real-time traffic navigation, air traffic control systems, language translation systems, health analysis and patient treatment applications. So, how and in what way does this rise of artificial intelligence affect religious
institutions? Can a god model be developed based on artificial intelligence?
“Dark religions get rid of, sweet science reigns.”
William Blake, who left his mark on the art world of the eighteenth century with his original world of belief, continues to influence different generations even after centuries with his visionary journey far ahead of his time. As a madman, eccentric, mystical, prophet, proto-Marxist, Humanist and an Anarchist, he is still trying to tell us something in an environment where hopes for the world are fading with his thoughts by defying all authorities.
Sweet science will drive away the dark religions so that enlightened religions will multiply. The concept of enlightened religions appears as a complete Nirvana idea in various cultures from Indian Paganism to ancient Greek Paganism. Any religion that is valid today can be included in this scope. Well, one of the former Google engineers Anthony Levandowski developed by establishing a religious group called Way of the Future, "Not a God who causes lightning or hurricanes, but a billion times smarter God than even the most intelligent person" model can be included in this scope. Is it?
Pandora's Box
In the words of Pandora's box on artificial intelligence, "Once opened, it will be very difficult to close." While the idea of religion takes its place on the world agenda, there are three
fundamentals on its effects on religious beliefs. First, by modeling godly behavior, the goodness of artificial intelligence and religion can be augmented by robots, religious guidance services inside or outside the places of worship, virtual scripture platforms. Second, by the 2040s, artificial intelligence will write its own scripture and will be worshiped by many. Finally, it is based on the direction that artificial intelligence can cause the rise of atheism and the destruction of world religions.
Encountering all of these can make us feel excited. Because new and different things have the ability to fascinate, admire and influence people. In addition, can current developments indicate that there are mental breakdowns at the point of reconciling the traditional religious institution? Can this structure, which is called "Way of The Future", show that the human need to believe in nature takes on new forms with new developments? Finally, in the words of Steven James, "If a rock, a tree, and an ant can worship their creator, why not a conscious machine creator with free will, conscience, and forgiveness?"