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Who Am I That Beats In My Heart?

Güncelleme tarihi: 17 Kas 2021

Existence… what is it? In fact, existence has no meaning. But it is not meaningless either. Simply put, meaning and existence are unrelated phenomena. Existence has no purpose to which it seeks to attain. It's not going anywhere. It is just it he is… So who am I?

Basically, “Who am I?” is the question. The only way to know is to be quiet, watchful; watch your thoughts and let them fade away.. It's not easy, is it? But one day you will find that everything has become quiet, and not a single thought remains, even murmuring. It will be as if time has stopped and everything has stopped. And suddenly you will wake up from a long but very long dream, a nightmare.. And now you are alone, on your own because there is no one who "is" but you. You are the only one stretching out in all directions with every possible manifestation. It is you who bloom on the tree; again you moving in a white cloud. You in the ocean, in the river. You are among the animals, among the people.

Can this be called development? Or, in other words, the totality of the discoveries we make in ourselves? With just a little discovery on your own, you become a completely different being because now truth is born within you. It is a clean slate where there is no belief, no dogma. Because the truth is; it is neither Hindu nor Muslim nor Christian and true; It is found neither in the Bible, nor in the Qur'an, nor in the Gita.

Society teaches: “Always choose the fittest and most comfortable; Choose the busiest path that your ancestors and their ancestors have walked since Adam and Eve. Choose the busiest path. This is the proof. Since millions of people have passed this way, you will not be wrong if you go here too.” So how can one succeed in finding the truth? Because the crowd is a collective unconsciousness. Because the truth only comes to the rebels, and to be a rebel is to lead an absolutely dangerous life. If you don't have a rebellious soul, you don't have a soul. There cannot be any other kind of soul. So, is it the information we carry in our genes for the formation of the soul or the environment we interact with? Or is it both interacting? Or maybe none!?

Philosophers Descartes and Plato, who think that heredity is more effective in development and are the pioneers of this claim, argue that at least a certain part of knowledge is present from birth. Locke, one of the leaders of the environmentalist movement, likened the mind to a blank slate and stated that knowledge is acquired through experience. When this dilemma is separated from the science of philosophy and looked at from the eyes of psychologists, it is seen that one of the founders of psychology, G. Stanley Hall, was inspired by Darwin's theory of evolution and discussed development from a hereditary point of view. John Watson, on the other hand, emphasized the environmental effect rather than the effectiveness of heredity in development.

The efforts of the ever-sheep crowd have all been aimed at turning each individual into a cog in a wheel, making him yet again a dead part of a dead crowd. Such a group of people? Or is it the genes that we carry and that enable us to survive biologically? Being a wolf in sheep time? Or to be the shepherd who tames the sheep? The first thing to do is to be yourself, and the second is to know who you are. Stay yourself, keep your naturalness;

Try to become more and more aware of this life that is flowing within you.

Who am I that beats in my heart?

Who is behind my breath?


İnsan Kendinin Aynasıdır, Birey Olma Üzerine Aforizmalar - OSHO

The Rebel - OSHO

Mutluluk Dediğimiz Şey - Sigmund Freud

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