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‘everyone is a self-centered idiot that doesn't understand our struggles.’

SICK mag.

Picture this:

You are always wearing sunglasses that dull the colors of the world.

They cannot be removed.

And the longer you live, the harder they become to see.

Then one day at a certain point the colors are just gone.

And you realize you were never wearing glasses.

The world was never full of color.

This world you see now, is as it has always been.

Spending days being a full-time patient, physical therapy, speech therapy, urology, neurology, general practice, physical medicine and rehab appointments, and more.

How incredibly long it takes to do any single task. Aren’t enough hours. Drowning.

Missing everything about having a life outside of my bedroom. Store and doctor appointments are the only places I go.

Missing having friends with something in common. Missing cleaning stalls even in the hot summer.

Having no control over my life. Life is nothing but a steaming shit.

I want to die more everyday from the pain and the heartbreak.

I feel like everyone is self-centered idiots that don’t understand our struggles.

But, it started to change when I read about essays, features, poetry, visual art, interviews in SICK mag from people like me.

Aims to increase representation of sick-disabled people in publishing-arts. Challenges the harmful stereotypes surrounding disability.

Creating a transparent community by believing, listening, supporting each other.

In fact, the new issue delves into resting as an act of resistance, collective grief, an honest piece by Jen Deerinwater on being queer, disabled, native and more.

If you’re like me…

Check THIS and join the celebratory resistance!

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